Paddle Imua 2015 Presented by Bluesmiths Crafted Waterwear

It's happening again for the fourth time. Paddle Imua 2015, Presented by Bluesmiths Crafted Waterwear in collaboration with Maui's incredibly tight ocean community, will take place this Saturday May 9th. Everyone is welcome!
We have said this before, but if you are on Maui, it is hard to think of a reason not to attend this Maliko event.
Here is our “complete and official” guide to why you must attend this race –
You’ll paddle with the best in the world (and you never know, you might just beat them).
The Maliko Run is possibly the most famous downwind run in the world: It’s on every paddler’s bucket list.
It’s ALL for the benefit of Maui’s children with special needs.
So there it is folks: world class paddling combined with a world class cause and supported by Maui’s world class ocean community.
If you are not a paddler, please join us for an 'Ohana Festival at the Hawaiian Canoe Club in Kahului.