The Spartan Short Review: 10 Downwinders - Seattle, Washington
A while back we noticed a bunch of orders from the Pacific Northwest. They came from stand-up paddler, cross-fit investor and general outdoors enthusiast Matt Parker and a group of his friends who share all the same passions for the ocean and the outdoors. Matt and the Seattle crew wanted to get hold of some of the Bluesmiths gear and put it to work. We were keen to hear what they thought, especially as they`re also a demanding bunch who are well used to high-performing gear from the snow-sports, mountain-sports and cross-fit worlds.
This is what they concluded about our Spartan Shorts: 10 Downwinders - The Spartan Review
At the moment, they`re in the middle of a project they call the "10 Downwinders". Inspired by the perfection of the legendary Maliko downwind paddle run here in Maui, they`re traveling the globe to find the 10 best, unexplored downwind runs. The 10 Downwinders project will conclude in Maui, Hawaii in Maui in May 2013 - just in time for the Paddle Imua benefit race, presented by Bluesmiths.
You can follow them here: 10 Downwinders
You can see The Spartan shorts here: The Spartan Shorts
Thanks to Matt Parker, Remick Merry, Art Aquino, Dustin Sousley, Justin Robison and the crew for the review, feedback and support. We wish you all the best and we`ll see you in Maui soon.
#TheSpartan #10Downwinders